Official Lemmings Games
Please note that these conversions are now considered deprecated. Lemmings Redux - included with NeoLemmix - is the recommended way to experience the official Lemmings games on NeoLemmix. This pack compiles the best levels from the various official games, while giving them much more of a NeoLemmix "flavour". In the future these downloads will be removed.
Available here are conversions of the official L1-style Lemmings games to NeoLemmix. In most cases they have had minor adjustments to account for differences between the original games and NeoLemmix; usually this is as minor as slight repositioning of the exit or adjustment of steel areas, but some levels have more significant adjustments. It should also be noted that, where applicable, the Amiga versions of levels have been used as a starting point, rather than the DOS versions. Please note that these will usually require the latest version of the NeoLemmix Engine.
Lemmings: V12.7-B
Oh No! More Lemmings!: V12.7-B
Xmas Lemmings 91 & 92: V12.7-A
Holiday Lemmings 93 & 94: V12.7-B
Covox Lemmings: V12.7-A
Prima Publishing Lemmings: V12.7-A
Extra Official Levels: V12.7-B
Also available are two well-known historical fan-made packs, the authors of which are no longer active in the Lemmings community.
MazuLems (requires latest NeoLemmix): V12.7-B Level List
Copycat Lemmings (requires NeoLemmix V1.43n-F, will not work on newer): V1.01
Please note that for technical reasons, it will not be possible to upgrade Copycat Lemmings to work with newer versions of NeoLemmix.