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NeoLemmix MAIN.DAT Format
MAIN.DAT consists of planar bitmap images. For those who aren't aware, unlike a normal bitmap in which each pixel is stored in order, in a planar bitmap, the first byte contains the lowest bit of the first 8 pixels (in the usual left-to-right, top-to-bottom order), the next byte contains the lowest bit of the next 8 pixels, and so on. Once all pixels are covered, the next byte contains the second-lowest bit. This is repeated until every bit is covered. If the image has more than one frame, each frame is stored as a seperate image, so after the highest bits of the first frame, the next bytes are the lowest bits of the second frame, and so on. The images in MAIN.DAT vary as to their bit depth, so pay careful attention to this. A MAIN.DAT file contains 7 sections, each with different images. The menu palette or in-level palette should be used as appropriate; these palettes are identical to those from regular Lemmings. In the case of masks, an active bit means a pixel where the mask is applied to, and an inactive bit is one where it is not. Non-mask 1-bit images are usually black (or transparent) for an off bit, and white for an on bit. There are some images (which LemMain will pick up on, and are listed here) that remain in NeoLemmix MAIN.DATs but are not actually used by NeoLemmix. It is not a problem if a MAIN.DAT is missing these images; just fill them in with blanks (if they are at the end of a section, make sure you at least include a blank image; do not just end the file without them). Note that V1.29n and onwards use different offsets, do not contain blank spaces at the start of some sections, and all images have a bit depth of 19. This is read, as with all 19-bit images, as the lowest 6 bits being blue, the next 6 green, the next 6 red, and the last one a transparency bit (although the transparency bit may be ignored on certain images, it is still present in the data). Please note that NeoLemmix V1.29n+ cannot load MAIN.DAT files from NeoLemmix V1.28n and earlier. Section 1 The first section contains the lemming images.
Section 2 The second section contains the countdown digits and destruction skill masks (except digger which doesn't use a mask). Note that in the case of NeoLemmix V1.29n+, for masks, any non-transparent pixel is considered to be part of the mask.
Section 3 The third section contains skill panel digits. Note that it has a lot of empty space at the start; the standard Lemmings MAIN.DATs contain graphics here that are never used by NeoLemmix and the space has not been re-used for other purposes. (There is also extra at the end in standard Lemmings MAIN.DAT files, but NeoLemmix does not expect anything to be here so it does not need to be filled in with blanks. LemMain will not attempt to load or save either of these parts when handling a NeoLemmix MAIN.DAT, unlike other unused images.)
Section 4 The fourth section contains some of the title screen graphics.
Section 5 The fifth section contains more title screen graphics.
Section 6 The sixth section contains the rank images. All 15 must be present even if some are unused; fill them in with dummy images (LemMain just repeats the last rank image to fill them up, but blank images are fine too). Note that unlike in a standard Lemmings MAIN.DAT, these are not in backwards order.
Section 7 The final section contains the skill panel graphics and the in-game font (the one used to display lemmings in/out and remaining time).